Abingdon Family Hub
Opening Times
Monday – 8:30am-4:30pm
Tuesday – 8:30am-4:30pm
Wednesday – 8:30am-4:30pm
Thursday – 8:30am-4:30pm
Friday – 8:30am-4:00pm
The aim of Abingdon Family Hub is to improve outcomes for all children so that they are happy, healthy and ready for Nursery.
We are the only Family Hub in the country which is attached to and run by a Primary School itself, located within central Middlesbrough the Hub serves some of the most deprived wards in the country. We cover a large reach area which based on the estimated mid population census of 2016, includes 1341 children under 5 years of age.
We would like to invite you to register with us here: https://my.middlesbrough.gov.uk/service/Middlesbrough_Children_Centre_Family_Registration
Aspiring to Excellence: Our Vision
“Our vision is an inclusive community that supports the well-being of every child and their family to enhance enjoyment, raise achievement and aspiration for all, and ensure that children and families are supported through their learning journey and school life in pursuit of excellence.”
The experienced and skilled team are here to support families to understand how young children learn and how they can encourage this at home.
We offer all families with children under five years old a range of services, information and support in the local community including:
- Play and Learning Activities
- Parenting Support
- Health Services including Healthy Start Vitamins
- School Readiness Interventions
- Access to Adult and Family Learning
- Information, Advice and Guidance
- Issuing Foodbank Vouchers
- Promoting good Mental Health & Wellbeing