Abingdon Primary School
Pupil Leaders
Led by Mrs Hill
Prefects are expected to be a role model to which younger pupils aspire; meet high standards of politeness, courtesy, uniform, attendance, punctuality; work as part of a team. Prefects are selected through application and interview process and are chosen for their leadership qualities.
Prefect jobs:
(Prefects work in pairs and carry out their duty for half a term)
- Assemblies – set up the hall and operate equipment under Mr Barstow’s supervision
- IT technicians – support Mr Barstow in maintaining IT equipment including delivering it to classrooms
- Office assistants – report to Mrs Jones daily at 12:15 in order to carry out any office duties
- Fruit monitors – organise, store and deliver the KS1 fruit
- Head teacher assistants – Assist the head teacher in presenting awards in assemblies and act as school ambassadors for visitors to the school
- KS1 lunchtimes – support with younger children in the playground
All prefects also carry out the following:
- Ensure all children walk out of assemblies and walk in the dinner hall
- Model good behaviour
- Promote and support reading for pleasure
- Assist dinner ladies in promoting positive playground behaviour
School Council
Led by Mrs Moody
At Abingdon, our school council represents the views of all our pupils. School councilors are elected by their peers to represent their views on their behalf with the governors and leadership team within the school. The school council gives children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community. It is made up of a boy and girl representative from Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5. Our school council meets once a week.
Our aims:
- To make sure that our school is a safe and happy place for children
- To make sure that children have a place to voice their concerns
- To encourage all children in the school to suggest improvements
- To make sure any suggestions or concerns are listened to and acted upon
We will do this by:
- Talking to our classmates to gain ideas and suggestions
- Making sure that everyone’s views and opinions are valued
- Having regular meetings to share our ideas
House Captains
Led by Mr Hedgley and Mrs Bell
There are 4 houses at Abingdon Primary School. House Captains are elected by their peers. Each house has 2 house captains ( 1 x boy & 1 x girl) from Year 6. Additionally, every year group from Y1 has 1 house captain per house.
Year 6 house captains collect house points on a weekly basis and help Mr Barstow update the housepoint counter.
House captains act as our Sports Crew and assist with organising equipment and games at playtimes and lunchtimes. They also assist teachers in organising house competitions (e.g. poetry slam) and the HELP project.
Our aims:
- To promote good sportsmanship and team work
- To be responsible for organising games and play equipment and break and lunch times
- To encourage children in their house teams to achieve house points
- To organise charity events and collections, including the HELP project
- To be a good role model for other children in school
Sanctuary Buddies
Led by Miss Collins and Mr Smith
Abingdon Primary School has School of Sanctuary status. Each class has one child who is a sanctuary buddy. Children apply to Miss Collins and are chosen through an interview process. It is the job of the sanctuary buddy to welcome new children to the class, help them to become familiar with routines and make sure they have a friend to play with at break and lunch times.
Sanctuary buddies also assist Miss Collins in promoting refugee week and in organising collections for refugees.
Our aims:
- To uphold the principles of a School of Sanctuary
- To make sure all children who are new to the school feel welcome
- To make sure all children who are new to the school understand school routines
- To make sure all children who are new to the school have a friend to play with (not necessarily the sanctuary buddy)
- To promote awareness and empathy for the plight of refugees
Reading Ambassadors
Led by Miss Rotondi
The reading ambassadors are expected to be reading role models for the whole school. They meet with Miss Rotondi once a week to share the pupil voice and suggest ideas of how reading can be improved.
Reading ambassadors carry out the following:
- Assist with the running of the school library
- Work with younger children to support their reading
- Run reading competitions around school
- Order new books for the library
- Promote reading for pleasure across the whole school
Journalistic Reporters
Led by Miss Woodward, Mrs Kaur and Mr Barstow
Newspaper club produces a termly newspaper which reports on key events that are happening in school. It is aimed to provide a wider range of writing opportunities for more able writers and children with an interest in writing. Children are appointed as journalists following an application process. It is a privilege to be invited to become a school journalist. Newspaper club is for children from Years 3 -6. Our newspaper club meets once a week as an after school club.
Our aims
- To provide a range of articles which give a flavour of life at Abingdon Primary School and Children’s Centre
- To encourage and promote reading for pleasure and for purpose by providing reading material to which pupils can relate
- To be ambassadors for APS & CC, promoting its values and activities
- To keep the school Twitter feed up to date
- To report on school events in assemblies
Eco Council
Led by Miss Woodward
Eco councillors are volunteers who attend the eco council after school club. They undertake a range of projects to promote environmental awareness in school and the local community. These include working with the local council to tidy the local area and reduce litter; organise the collection of paper for recycling around school. Eco councillors come from Year 3 to Year 6.
Eco council meet once a week after school.
Our aims:
- To play an active part in improving our local environment, including the school grounds
- To work towards achieving the eco schools award certificates
- To take the lead in making Abingdon an eco friendly school and children’s centre
- To promote environmental awareness and sustainability across school and the children’s centre