Welcome back Year 3 pupils! We all hope you had a fantastic 2 weeks’ holiday and a Happy New Year! We are confident that 2018 will be full of exciting and memorable learning experiences for our children, with lots of engaging activities and wonderful trips and visits.
This half term our Maths focus will be fractions and time. Fractions will cover finding quantities of a shape or number, equivalent fractions and being able to add and subtract fractions. Children will be telling the time using analogue and digital clocks. We will also be covering the various units involved with time such as 60 seconds in 1 minute and 60 minutes in 1 hour etc.
TIP: Buying your child an analogue watch can very beneficial when learning about time!
TIP: Bring time into everyday activities and language e.g. “We will be leaving in 10 minutes” or “We are leaving at half past 8”.
Here are some useful links to use at home to support your child’s learning.
Literacy and Topic
Our topic this half term is the glorious Gods and Mortals. We will be learning all about the ancient Greeks, their daily lives and their religious beliefs. In literacy we will be writing a non-chronological report based around this topic. Our text for this topic is Mouse, Bird, Snake, Wolf by David Almond – this is a story about creation and morals. Using the text, the children will then write for different purposes; for example, argument writing where they will consider decisions and actions of the characters and the consequences of these. The children will also take on the role of the author and write their own alternative creation.
The following website has some interesting Greek myths and legends that you could read with your child:
As usual, your child’s homework grid will be stuck into their homework book. Topic homework is given out on a Friday and your child must complete one piece of work from the homework grid. This is due in on Mondays to allow it to be marked.
Please continue to support your children with the Ocean Maths games which are given out when each area of maths is being taught at school.
Please remember that all children should read for at least 5-10 minutes every evening and this should be recorded in their reading journals.
Times tables and spelling words should be practised for 5-10 minutes each evening also.
Extra Information / PE
P.E. this term will be on Thursday afternoons and will be gymnastics with Mrs Beetch. Please can you ensure your child has the correct P.E. kit and it remains in school throughout the duration of the term.
Thank you for your continued support.
See you on Greek Day ;)!