
Behaviour including Anti-Bullying Policy

Please click the link below for a copy of this policy:

It is a primary aim of Abingdon Primary School that every member of the school community feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and well. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. All children have their own story. 

The school’s behaviour policy is therefore designed to support the way in which all members of the school can work together in a supportive way. It aims to promote an environment in which everyone feels happy, safe and secure. 

The school has a principles that we all follow, but our behaviour policy is not primarily concerned with rule enforcement. It is a means of promoting good relationships, so that people can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone to learn. This policy supports the school community in aiming to allow everyone to work together in an effective and considerate way.We aim to help our children to grow up to respect and care for themselves and other people. 

We have four main principles linked to our Abingdon ARCH which we all follow: 

Aspirations – Be the best you 

Resilience – Be positive  

Commitment – Be ready  

Harmony – Be kind  

These principles are an integral part of our PSHE lessons taught by class teachers weekly. We display our principles around the school.  

Our behaviour system is based on positive reinforcement of these principles. 

At the beginning of each year, class teachers negotiate class rules with the class based around ARCH principles. This gives a sense of ownership and responsibility. 

It is important to promote positive behaviour at all times and this is done by 

  • Using recognition and reward – praise based on clear expectations 
  • Developing positive relationships with children 
  • Dealing with children respectfully expecting them to demonstrate respect in return – leading by example 
  • Giving children time to develop empathy through the curriculum – PSHCE, P4C, Circle Time etc… 
  • Encouraging children to try to solve their problems 
  • Having clear consequences for all children 
  • Encouraging positive values and attitudes through the Abingon Arch 


ARCH points  

ARCH points are given to children following school ARCH principles for motivation and recognition of their achievement. Points are collected and recorded on Class Dojo. 

The accumulation of points leads to a series of certificates during the course of the year which are given when achived by class teacher. 

20 points Merit Certificate 

50  points Bronze Award 

100 points Silver Award 

150 points Gold Award 

Supportive strategies  

When children do not follow school rules in line with ARCH principles, this is dealt with in a supportive and fair manner. As every child is an individual, consideration needs to be made with regards to the appropriate supportive strategies. 

Preferred supportive strategies

Verbal advice & support 
Time out directed 
Step away 
Positive praise (Stickers, ARCH points)  
Gentle touch
Planned ignoring 
Time out offered 
Fresh face 
Daily check in 
Transitional objects/Holding in mind 
Movement break 
Sensory Room/Soft Play 

Preferred handling strategies (when necessary)

Friendly Hold 
Cuddle / Hug 
Opportunity to let off steam  
Guiding & Escorting 
Hold hands for walkabout 
Move away from incident / action 
Block path or route to danger 
Sit on adult’s knee 
Removing dangerous articles from grasp 
Move other children away 

Consult TAC team for further support around Consistent low level behaviour. TAC team add child to Daily check in list.  

In cases of serious behaviour incident (bullying, fighting, racism, foul an abusive language) alert TAC team and record on CPOMS. Parents will be informed and invited to school in consultation with TAC team to discuss the incident. 

Behaviour Report 

A child will be placed on a behaviour monitoring report for persistent poor/disruptive behaviour  or for a serious incident (bullying, fighting, racism, foul an abusive language). When a child is placed on report a phone call home will be made by a member of the TAC team informing the parent of the incident and what happens next. 

The report is broken down into lesson blocks (in keeping with the whole school timetable).  A face will be placed in each block during the course of the day by the class teacher indicating how the child’s behaviour has been for that period of time.  The face will indicate if the child has conformed and adhered to the school ARCH principles (available for child to see on individual behaviour report). The class teacher will celebrate a successful day with the child on report in order to build a good relationship. If the report has two sad faces then the child will be seen at the end of the day by the TAC team.  

All documentation is available from the school office on request.

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