‘To learn a new language is to open another window from which to see the world.’ Chinese proverb.
At Abingdon Primary School, between them, our children speak over 44 different languages. By learning French, a language spoken by only a small number of children, we give them the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of another language together and on a level playing field. They are able to build on the knowledge of language they have established from their home language to support their aquisition of a new language.
The learning of French will follow four main aspects in Key Stage 2 in Abingdon Primary School following Rigolo French:
Listening: children will have the opportunity to listen to the spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding. They will also explore language through songs, stories, rhymes and games.
Speaking: children will have the opportunity to engage in conversation, ask questions and express opinions amongst themselves and with teaching adults. They will also speak in sentences using familiar words and phrases.
Reading: children will have the opportunity to read and show understanding of familiar words, phrases and stories. They will appreciate popular stories, songs, poems and rhymes in French.
Writing: children will have the opportunity to describe people, places and things. They will also learn to understand basic grammar and apply it to build up simple sentences.
French Long Term Map

Please find the link to the Modern Foreign Language programme of study https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-curriculum-in-england-languages-progammes-of-study/national-curriculum-in-england-languages-progammes-of-study#key-stage-2-foreign-language