1. Aims
This policy aims to:
- Set out our approach to requiring a uniform that is of reasonable cost and offers the best value for money for parents and carers
- Explain how we will avoid discrimination in line with our legal duties under the Equality Act 2010
- Clarify our expectations for school uniform
2. Our school’s legal duties under the Equality Act 2010
The Equality Act 2010 prohibits discrimination against an individual based on the protected characteristics, which include age, sex, disability, race, religion or belief, pregnancy and maternity, and gender reassignment.
To avoid discrimination, our school will:
- Avoid listing uniform items based on sex, to give all pupils the opportunity to wear the uniform they feel most comfortable in or that most reflects their self-identified gender
- Make sure that our uniform costs the same for all pupils
- Allow all pupils to have long hair (though we reserve the right to ask for this to be tied back)
- Allow all pupils to style their hair in a way that is appropriate for school and supports their cultural or religious customs
- Allow pupils to request changes to swimwear for religious reasons or if they are experiencing discomfort related to their sex, gender or gender reassignment
- Allow pupils to wear headscarves and/or other religious garments
- Allow pupils with sensory or physical needs to make reasonable adaptations to their uniform depending on their specific needs
- Allow for reasonable adaptations to our policy on the grounds of equality by asking pupils or their parents to get in touch with the school administration team, who can answer questions about the policy and respond to any requests. These will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
3. Limiting the cost of school uniform
Our school has a duty to make sure that the uniform we require is affordable, in line with statutory guidance from the Department for Education on the cost of school uniform.
We understand that items with distinctive characteristics (such as branded items, or items that have to have a school logo or a unique fabric/colour/design) cannot be purchased from a wide range of retailers and that requiring many such items limits parents’ ability to ‘shop around’ for a low price.
We will make sure our uniform:
- Is available at a reasonable cost
- Provides the best value for money for parents/carers
We will do this by:
- Carefully considering whether any items with distinctive characteristics are necessary
- Limiting items with distinctive characteristics to school jumpers
- Keeping the number of optional branded items to a minimum, so that the school’s uniform can act as a social leveller
- Avoiding different uniform requirements for different year/class/house groups
- Avoiding different uniform requirements for extra-curricular activities
- Making sure that arrangements are in place for parents to acquire second-hand uniform items
- Avoiding frequent changes to uniform specifications and minimising the financial impact on parents of any changes
- Consulting with parents and pupils on any proposed significant changes to the uniform policy and carefully considering any complaints about the policy
4. Expectations for school uniform
4.1 Our school’s uniform
- Flat black footwear (no logos)
- Red cardigan or sweater (branded from Lollipops, or unbranded)
- Grey or black skirt, pinafore, trousers or shorts
- White polo shirt, shirt or blouse
- White, grey or black socks or tights
- Red gingham summer dress
- Small hair accessories eg clips, small bobbles, small hair bands
- One pair of small round stud earrings are permitted but they are not to be worn on PE days or need removing by the child
- PE Kit to include a red, yellow, blue or green plain t-shirt, dark shorts, socks and trainers.
- Plain black, red or white elasticated head scarf or turban in accordance with religious or cultural beliefs (no pins)
- No makeup
- No nail varnish
For health and safety compliance, children will be asked to remove earrings for PE as well as any head wear to ensure their safety. Ideally, no earrings should be worn on PE days. Similarly, if a head injury occurs, children will be asked to remove any head wear so that first aid can be administered.
4.2 Where to purchase
Purchases of branded jumpers and cardigans, along with unbranded items can be made at Lollipops. They are a local company based at Berwick Hills and cater for all Abingdon school uniform requirements.
They also support our families by supplying pre-loved uniform. All pre-loved uniform is of a high quality, washed, ironed and ready to wear. If you require uniform for your child, please pop along to the shop, or call the number below and the team of staff will be happy to help you with your child’s uniform requirements.
- Lollipops, 20 Norfolk Place, Berwick Hills, Middlesbrough, TS3 7PA
- 01642 225827
You can also purchase unbranded uniform from any local highstreet shop.
Uniform can also be purchased at the annual Summer Fair or at regular upcycling events throughout the year in support of our sustainability drive.
5. Expectations for our school community
5.1 Pupils
Pupils are expected to wear the correct uniform at all times (other than specified non-school uniform days) while:
- On the school premises
- Travelling to and from school
- At out-of-school events or on trips that are organised by the school, or where they are representing the school (if required)
Pupils are also expected to contact the governing body if they want to request an amendment to the uniform policy in relation to their protected characteristics.
5.2 Parents and carers
Parents and carers are expected to make sure their child has the correct uniform and PE kit, and that every item is:
- Clean
- Clearly labelled with the child’s name
- In good condition
Parents are also expected to contact the governing body if they want to request an amendment to the uniform policy in relation to:
- Their child’s protected characteristics
- The cost of the uniform
Parents are expected to lodge any complaints or objections relating to the school uniform in a timely and reasonable manner.
Disputes about the cost of the school uniform will be:
- Resolved locally
- Dealt with in accordance with our school’s complaints policy
The school will work closely with parents to arrive at a mutually acceptable outcome.
5.3 Staff
Staff will closely monitor pupils to make sure they are in correct uniform. They will give any pupils and families breaching the uniform policy the opportunity to comply, but will follow up with the headteacher if the situation doesn’t improve.
Ongoing breaches of our uniform policy will be dealt with by Adam Cooper.
In cases where it is suspected that financial hardship has resulted in a pupil not complying with this uniform policy, staff will take a mindful and considerate approach to resolving the situation supporting with the provision of uniform if necessary.
5.4 Governors
The governing board will review this policy and make sure that it:
- Is appropriate for our school’s context
- Is implemented fairly across the school
- Takes into account the views of parents and pupils
- Offers a uniform that is appropriate, practical and safe for all pupils
The board will also make sure that the school’s uniform supplier arrangements give the highest priority to cost and value for money, for example by avoiding single supplier contracts and by re-tendering contracts at least every 5 years.