School council are a group of children who represent the views of pupils in the school.
Members range from Year 2 to Year 5 and take part in projects within school and the local community.
Council members listen to the opinions and suggestions of children all across school to bring new ideas and improvements to the school, that the children themselves want to see.
Recent Projects
Sandcastle competition
What a fantastic day in the sun!
School council designed sandcastles with a “cosmic theme” and headed to the beach to create their sandy masterpieces.
Hundreds of children competed to win money in the sandcastle competition. Sadly, we did not win but we absolutely loved the opportunity to take part.
Toilet Twinning
We teamed up with Eco council to raise money for the Toilet Twinning Charity.
Many children and adults across the world do not have safe places to use the toilet. Some places have such poor sanitation that children can get very sick and can die.
To help combat this awful issue, children made posters to raise awareness and organised a non-uniform day and movie event. £415 was raised to send to the charity and we managed to help 5 toilets across the globe be built! Photos and locations of the toilets that we helped to provide are displayed around the school building.
Early Help
We worked closely with Abingdon’s Children centre and with the Early Help team to create posters to be used in community wide displays.
The posters are aimed to explain to children in the local community, how to access early help for their families. The posters explain in a child friendly way that families may access support when they have experienced some of the following issues:
. Death of a family member
. Violence in the home
. Loneliness
. Struggles with addiction
And many other issues that can affect people in the community.
The fantastic posters are being displayed in schools, hospitals, bus shelters and other local areas.
If you wish to access help from the early help team, speak to somebody in the children’s centre.